Slightly modified to perfection

A Modified Fruit Diet Plan
Actually, this is going to be a modified version of the standard fruit diet. While you will still eat an abundance of fruit, we are adding fresh vegetable juice and a daily tablespoon of flax oil. You can substitute flax oil with hemp oil or other products that combine raw oils to produce a balance of the omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Your local health food store will be able to assist you, and most grocery stores are now carrying these raw oils in their refrigerated health section.
Adding vegetable juice and a tablespoon of oil rich in essential fatty acids broadens the spectrum of nutrients you will be taking in without compromising calorie intake. While fruits are rich in vitamins, vegetables are rich in minerals, and they both supply different forms of antioxidants and phytochemicals. And for those of you concerned about the addition of 100 calories in oil, rest at ease—it has been shown that good oil actually helps reduce body fat.
How Long?
I am going to lay out a 30–day fruit diet plan, but this will also work for anyone who wants to undergo a shorter fruit diet. Not everyone will be able to complete a 30–day fruit diet, especially for the first time. You may want to set a goal that feels less daunting, like 7 or 10 days. My suggestion is to keep your options open. As I have said previously, the first three days are the hardest. You may have set a goal of one week, but after going through those first three days, encounter smooth sailing and want to continue further. It is not uncommon for people to enjoy their fast or fruit diet so much they simply stay on for the full 30 days.
Pick Good Fruit
There are cantaloupes and then there are cantaloupes. I’m sure you have experienced the disappointment of slicing a cantaloupe in half only to find it is an unappealing color inside and is completely lacking that sweet smell that always promises delicious taste. Depending on where you live, there are certain times of year that it can be almost impossible to find a good cantaloupe. Remember, your fruit diet will only be as good as the fruit you’re eating, not just in nutrition but also in eating pleasure. And eating pleasure may make the difference between whether you stay on your diet or quit out of boredom. Spend a little more on good quality fruit, even if you have to search for a different grocery store that specializes in top-quality produce. Also, try to eat what’s in season.
Top Fruits to Eat During a Fruit Diet
In choosing fruit, emphasize eating low-acid fruits like melons. If citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit are in season, then choose the sweetest. At the start, eating a lot of fruit may cause some diarrhea. In time, the body will grow accustomed to fruit's cleansing properties. Fruits high in vitamin C and citric acid are powerful detoxifiers. The absence of mucus-forming foods allows the lymph glands a chance to detoxify.
Learn more about the best fruits to eat and their nutrition
The First Three Days
All right, let’s get started. For the first three days, eat as much fruit as you desire, with the addition of two tall glasses of vegetable juice with a tablespoon of good oil mixed in. Do not limit your intake of fruit for the first three days. Eating as much as you want will help curb the temptation to quit, which is strongest in the beginning, due to dealing with cravings and hunger. It is better to eat more during these times than to quit, so enjoy.
I suggest you stock up on your favorite fruits and make sure they’re prewashed and close at hand. If you are working, pack lots of fruit like bananas and grapes, as they are filling and satisfying. The last thing you want to do is run out of fruit at work—that’s when you will be tempted to quit. We have some really tasty and fun recipes you can make ahead, which provide variety and great flavor.
Check out our fruit recipes
The Remainder of Your Fruit Diet
There is beauty in simplicity, and this diet is very simple. Forget the idea of three meals a day—it does not apply to a fruit diet.
- Begin your day with a large portion of higher-calorie fruit like bananas, grapes or mangos. This will elevate your metabolism for the whole day, sustaining good energy and fat-burning capabilities.
- Allow yourself to get a little hungry before having another fruit meal. As the fruit diet continues and you grow more confident, experiment with how long you can endure the feeling of hunger before eating again.
- On more active days, eat a greater amount of fruit. If you have a day of leisure, then cut back. As you get some days behind you, and food cravings are overcome, there will be a greater sensitivity to your body’s caloric need.
- Continue to drink two tall glasses of fresh veggie juice twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon or evening.
- Mix in a tablespoon of good oil to your two glasses of juice each day.
- Do not rob yourself of eating pleasure by counting calories. All the fruit you are ingesting is low-concentrated food, light in calories and high in water and fiber, so enjoy. This is not a mathematical equation, but is a process of getting in tune with your body in a new way, through breaking junk food cravings and emotional addictions.
- Do not weigh yourself until the fruit diet is over. Remember, this is not just about losing weight, but about helping you gain control over your eating. This will be a launching pad to a whole new way of eating and living. Quick fixes never work—if there is not permanent change, then the weight will simply come right back in a few months.
- While on your fruit diet, take time to educate yourself on healthy nutrition. This will keep you motivated and focused. Find a good book and read in your spare time. I recommend our book Whole Foods and Healing Recipes.
So there you have it. It’s simple: eat lots of fruit for the first three days, and then start allowing your body to get hungry between small meals. You may find yourself eating fruit 6-8 times a day, which is fine.
Finally, do not let the simplicity of this diet fool you. What is going on under your skin is far from simple. A wonderful transformation is occurring on a cellular level, as you flood your trillions of living cells with healing, cleansing nutrients. Your cells will love you!
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